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2016-09-26 17:04:37作者:Kitty来源:意大利驻华使馆
摘要: “我的意大利”摄影大赛由意大利驻华大使馆和总领事馆共同举办,面向所有申请获得过签证并前往过意大利旅行中国游客。
ABSTRACT: Il contest fotografico “Wo de Yidali” è organizzato dall'Ambasciata d'Italia a Pechino e dalla rete consolare ed è rivolto a tutti i turisti cinesi che si sono recati in viaggio in Italia, facendo richiesta di un visto italiano.


Ti sei innamorato dell'Italia in uno dei tuoi viaggi e ci vorresti tornare? Se hai viaggiato di recente in Italia o hai in programma di farlo nei prossimi mesi e sei appassionato di fotografia, allora partecipa a “Wo de Yidali” (la mia Italia), il concorso fotografico promosso dall'Ambasciata e dai Consolati Generali d'Italia in Cina. Divertiti a scegliere le due foto che interpretano al meglio i due temi del contest -“Siti UNESCO d'Italia” e “La mia Italia” - e inviacele dal 25 luglio al 30 settembre 2016.


你可以选出两张你认为最能够诠释主题的原创优秀作品 - 此次大赛有两大主题:“意大利联合国教科文组织遗址”和“我的意大利”,每一主题的冠军将能赢得前往意大利的豪华之旅,此外其它优胜者还有机会获得丰富的奖品。

Divertiti a scegliere le due foto che interpretano al meglio i due temi del contest -“Siti UNESCO d'Italia” e “La mia Italia” - e inviacele dal 25 luglio al 30 settembre 2016. In palio per il vincitore di ogni categoria un soggiorno di lusso in Italia e tanti altri premi per primi classificati di entrambe le categorie.



Il contest fotografico “Wo de Yidali” è organizzato dall'Ambasciata d'Italia a Pechino e dalla rete consolare ed è rivolto a tutti i turisti cinesi che si sono recati in viaggio in Italia, facendo richiesta di un visto italiano.


意大利驻华使馆和各总领馆将从收到的参赛作品中分别预选出8件优秀作品 - 总计40件作品入围,最终的获胜者将由意大利驻华使馆和总领馆微信公众号的关注者们投票选出。

Tra tutte le foto inviate ad Ambasciata e Consolati ne saranno preselezionate 8 da ogni sede per un totale di 40 finalisti che parteciperanno alla gara finale e saranno votati dai follower di WeChat dell'Ambasciata e dei Consolati Generali!




“WodeYidali” Photo Contest has been organized by the Embassy of Italy in Beijing with the participation of the Consulates General of Italy in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing and Hong Kong.




The Photo Contest is open to all Chinese tourists who have been to Italy upon issuance of a visa by the Embassy of Italy in Beijing or the Consulates General of Italy in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing and Hong Kong.



摄影师的参赛图片将围绕两大主题展开:“意大利联合国教科文组织遗址”, “我的意大利”,每位参赛选手对于每个主题只能提交一张照片。

Photographers will compete with pictures in line with two main themes: “UNESCO sites of Italy”, “My Italy”. Each participant can submit one picture for each category.



From July 25th to September 30th .

2016年07月25日- 2016年09月30日




Pictures can be taken either with smart phones or with digital cameras.



To ensure eligibility for the contest all entries must have a resolution not inferior to:

• 智能手机照片: 图片至少500像素,位图图像必须为JPEG格式,图像大小不能超过5 MB。Smartphone photos: min. 500 pixels, bitmat images must be in a .jpeg format and must not exceed 5 MB

• 数码相机照片:图片至少2500像素,位图图像必须为JPEG格式,图像大小不能超过5 MB。

Digital camera photos: min. 2500 pixels, bitmat images must be in a .jpeg format and must not exceed 5 MB

所有的照片必须反映题材和场景,谢绝提供改变原始影像的作品,照片仅可做清除污点、剪裁、 及适度调整曝光、色彩和对比度。

All photographs must reflect the subject matter and the scene as it appeared. Photos that have been digitally altered beyond standard optimization (removal of dust, cropping, reasonable adjustments to exposure, color and contrast, etc.) will be disqualified.


If you choose to include people in your submission, you are responsible for obtaining the necessary releases from the individuals depicted, and must be able to provide copies of those releases.



Italy Photo Contest won’t take into account:


Photos that violate or infringe upon another person's rights, including but not limited to copyright.


Photos that contain sexually explicit, nude, obscene, violent or other objectionable or inappropriate content.


Images that involve the willful harassment of wildlife, or damage to the environment by the photographer.


Images that involve putting any individual or animal in danger.




Participants must submit pictures through the external email addresses provided (to the Embassy or to the Consulates General in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing and Hong Kong), of the diplomatic mission that issued his/her visa, under penalty of exclusion from the contest.


Before sending the picture, each participant is invited to post on his/her WeChat account his/her photo with the hashtag #我的意大利, specifying that the picture will be submitted to our photo contest. When submitting the picture, each participant will have to send also the screenshot of the WeChat post with the hashtag.


The Embassy of Italy in Beijing and the CG of Italy in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing and Hong Kong will independently collect and select the finalist photos that will later be published on the official WeChat account of the Embassy and the Consulates for the final vote by the users. In particular, each office will select 8 photos, for a total of 40 photo finalists.


All pictures should be accompanied by the name of the participant and a brief title (30 characters) specifying where the pictures were taken and describing the feelings that particular image produced.


The 40 finalists will be personally contacted and will be invited to post again their pictures on their WeChat profile with a mention to the Embassy and to the contest using the # hashtag “#我的意大利”.


邮箱地址 Email addresses:

意大利大使馆 Embassy of Italy: embbeijing_photo@qq.com

上海总领事馆CG in Shanghai: cgshanghai_photo@qq.com

重庆总领事馆CG in Chongqing: cgchongqing_photo@qq.com

广州总领事馆CG in Guangzhou: consolato.canton@gmail.com

香港总领事馆CG in Hong Kong: cghongkong_photo@qq.com




Photos will be judged on originality, technical excellence, composition, overall impact, artistic merit and subject matter relevance to Italian landscape and people.




The Judging Committee will be composed of officials of the Consular and Press Office of the Embassy.




1. 第一名:由“Voglia d’Italia”环意旅行社赞助的度假大礼包 (一人):“意大利时尚与古迹游 – 南意之旅”

2. 第二名:1台最新的华为P9智能手机+由曼富图(Manfrotto)赞助的相机包套件、LED灯、三脚架

3. 第三名:1台最新的华为P9智能手机+意大利公司BORA180赞助的运动服装与配件



1. 第一名:由“iTrip”爱去自由网赞助的度假大礼包1份 (一个人):“8天7晚意大利纯玩自由行”

2. 第二名:1台最新的华为P9智能手机+由曼富图(Manfrotto)赞助的相机包套件、LED灯、三脚架

3. 第三名:1台最新的华为P9智能手机+意大利公司BORA180赞助的运动服装与配件

First theme: “UNESCO sites of Italy”

1. First place: 1holiday package for “Trip in Italy between fashion and historical sites Southern Italy tour” for one people offered by “Voglia d’Italia”

2. Second place: 1 smartphone P9 offered by Huawei & 1 Camera bag kit, LED light, tripods stand offered by Manfrotto

3. Third place: 1 smartphone P9 offered by Huawei &1 kit Accessories and technical clothing offered by the Italian company “BORA 180”


Second theme: “My Italy”

1. First place : 1 holiday package for a trip in Italy for one people offered by “iTrip”

2. Second place: 1 smartphone P9 offered by Huawei & 1 Camera bag kit, LED light, tripods stand offered by Manfrotto

3. Third place: 1 smartphone P9 offered by Huawei &1 kit Accessories and technical clothing offered by the Italian company “BORA 180”



您将保留您所提交的照片的所有权利 - 包括适用的所有权。

You will retain all rights to any photograph you submit -- including ownership if applicable.


If you submit a photograph to Italy Photo Contest, you grant the Embassy or the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing, Shanghai, Guangdong e Hong Kong a royalty-free, nonexclusive right during the Italy Photo Contest to:

1. 意大利驻华大使馆以及意大利驻重庆、上海、广州、香港总领事馆将有权在我们举办的所有活动中使用您的照片直至2017年底(使用时将注明参赛者姓名)

Make use of the pictures (the name of the participant who submitted it/them will always be mentioned) for any events organized by the Embassy and the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing, Shanghai, Guangdong and Hong Kong until 2017;

2. 允许意大利大使馆和意大利驻重庆、上海、广州以及香港总领事馆在以下社交媒体平台分享照片:脸谱,微博,微信和Flickr。

Allow the Embassy and the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing, Shanghai, Guangdong e Hong Kong to share the photographs on the following social media platforms: Facebook, Weibo, Wechat and Flickr.

相关热词搜索:意大利 摄影 旅游 大赛 赢大奖