WineITA.com意酒网2016意大利葡萄酒年度峰会 2016 Annual Summit of Italian Wine
时间Time:2016年12月9日下午. 9th,December,2016,14:00-17:00
地点Location:北京意大利驻华大使馆文化处 Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Pechino
Ripartire Con Idee Più Chiare--La Via Del Vino Italiano In Cina
看清前路再出发 意大利葡萄酒的中国之路
Departure with Identification of the Way Ahead—China Road of Italian Wine
意大利葡萄酒虽然称雄于以美国、英国和德国为代表的成熟市场,但是在中国的市场份额却一直排在第五位。在澳大利亚和智利葡萄酒在中国市场份额持续提升的同时,意大利的表现依然不温不火。Though dominates in mature markets represented by US, Britain and German, Italian wine has kept the ranking of No.5 in China market. Australian and Chilean wine increased continuously their market share in China, meanwhile Italian wine performed still tepid.
2016年初,意大利总理伦奇和阿里巴巴董事长马云在维罗纳关于99天猫酒水节的约定,似乎点燃了意大利葡萄酒在中国市场的希望之火。然后在99天猫酒水节中,意大利葡萄酒的平庸表现,说明赢得中国市场和消费者没有捷径。At the beginning of 2016, Matteo Renzi, Prime Minister of Italy, and Jack Ma, Chairman of Alibaba Group, made a promise in Verona regarding “Tmall Spet.9th Drinks Festival”, which seemed to light up the hopes for Italian wine in China market. However, during the following “Tmall Spet.9th Drinks Festival”, Italian performed mediocrely, which indicated that there is no shortcut to capture China market and Chinese consumers.
在中国这个庞大的一个市场里,如果没有得到进口商、经销商和消费者的普遍认可,没有意大利葡萄酒产业的共同努力,寄希望于通过一个电商渠道实现市场的突破,缺少的是对这个市场的了解和尊重。In an enormous market like China, without widely recognition of importers, distributors and consumers, without integrated efforts of Italian wine sector, if all hopes are pinned to a single e-commerce channel for realizing a breakthrough to the market, it only demonstrates the absence of understanding and respects to this market.
不到6%的市场份额,意味着在中国市场只有不到6%的进口商、经销商和渠道在销售意大利葡萄酒,也只有不到6%的消费者购买意大利葡萄酒。这个数字,很清晰的告诉意大利葡萄酒产业,想要赢得市场,我们需要做的事情还有很多。A market share under 6% means that only less than 6% importers, distributors and channels are selling Italian wine, and only less than 6% consumers buy Italian. This figures, clearly tells Italian wine sector that there’s still much to do for winning in this market.
意酒网2016年度论坛,邀请了中国葡萄酒市场中的领袖人物,这里面有中国最大的葡萄酒进口商之一COFCO,有中国最大的葡萄酒教育机构的创始人,有中国最有影响力葡萄酒展会主办方,有中国规模最大的葡萄酒B2B供应商,有中国最专业的葡萄酒市场数据研究机构,我们希望这些中国葡萄酒行业发展的见证者,客观、深入的分析意大利葡萄酒在中国市场的症结所在,给意大利葡萄酒在中国市场指明方向。 2016 Annual Summit invites the leading figures of China wine market, including COFCO (one of the biggest China importers), Founder of Ease Scent (the biggest Chinese wine training organization), the most influential wine exhibition organization, the biggest scale B2B wine supplier, the most professional marketing data research firm. We hope these witnesses of Chinese wine sector would objectively and deeply analyze the crux of Italian wine in China market, indicating the direction of development for Italian wine in China market.
在论坛上,意酒网将公布葡萄酒进口商、经销商和专业人士共同参与投票评选的三个奖项,分别是:2016年度中国市场最具影响力意大利葡萄酒产区、2016年度中国市场最具影响力意大利葡萄酒品牌、2016年度中国市场最佳意大利葡萄酒进口商。On the forum, also will announce three awards voted together by importers, distributors and professionals. The awards are: “2016 The Most Influential Italian Wine Appellation in China Market”, “2016 The Most Influential Italian Wine Brand in China Market”, and “2016 The Best Italian Wine Importer in China Market”
***活动日程Event Agenda:
14:00-14:30 嘉宾签到,自由品鉴 Guests registration & Free tasting
14:30 嘉宾主题演讲环节Guest- Speakers keynote speeches session
15:30 2016年度影响力颁奖环节 Annual Influence Awarding Session
15:45 嘉宾对话论坛 Guest Panel Conversation Session
17:30 峰会结束 End of the Summit
活动主持人Event Moderator:王蓓 Rebecca Wang
***主题演讲环节:Keynote speeches session:
*演讲嘉宾一 Guest Speaker 1:(To be Confirmed )
意大利驻华大使 谢国谊(Ettore Francesco Sequi)先生
Mr. Ettore Francesco Sequi, Ambassador of Italy to P. R. China
*演讲嘉宾二 Guest Speaker 2:
意大利对外贸易委员会中国首席协调官 司凯培先生
Mr. Amedeo Scarpa, Trade Commissioner of ICE in China,
*演讲嘉宾三Guest Speaker 3
易知数据 创始人/首席运营官 张议
Mr. Roy Zhang,Founder/COO,EXACT Data Service
Topic: In-Depth Analysis of Italian Wine Performance in China Market
*演讲嘉宾四 Guest Speaker 4
意酒网 创始人/主编 宫照馥
Mr. Jeff Gong,Founder/ Editor-in-Chief,
Topic: In-Depth Analysis to the situation of Italian wine in China market and the suggestion for development
*演讲嘉宾五Guest Speaker 5
中粮名庄荟 总经理 李士祎
Mr. Castle Li ,General Manager of COFCO W&W International Co., Ltd.
Topic: Summarization and Prospection Regarding COFCO W&W’s Cooperation with Italian Brands.
*演讲嘉宾六Guest Speaker 6
骏德商业集团有限公司 副总裁 卢建旭
Mr. Jianxu Lu,Vice President(China),Jointek Bussiness Holdings Limited
Topic: New Passages for Italian Wine Entering China Market
***颁奖环节 Awarding Session
公布三个奖项的评选结果:Three awards to be announced:
--- WineITA.com意酒网2016年度中国市场最具影响力意大利葡萄酒产区 “2016 The Most Influential Italian Wine Appellation in China Market”
--- WineITA.com意酒网2016年度中国市场最具影响力意大利葡萄酒品牌 “2016 The Most Influential Italian Wine Brand in China Market”
--- WineITA.com意酒网2016年度中国市场最佳意大利葡萄酒进口商 “2016 The Best Italian Wine Importer in China Market”
***对话论坛 Panel Session:
Topic of Conversation: Strategies and Solutions to Increase the Market Share of Italian Wine in China
主持人:意酒网 创始人/主编 宫照馥
Moderator: Mr. Jeff Gong,Founder/ Editor in Chief
对话嘉宾:Panel Guests:
+中粮名庄荟国际酒业 总经理 李士祎
Castle Li ,General Manager of COFCO W&W International Co., Ltd.
COFCO-中国最大的葡萄酒进口商之一 COFCO The biggest Chinese wine importer
+Interwine主办方 科通集团董事长 贾燕平 Rita Jia,Chairman ,Interwine-Canton Universal Fair Group Ltd.
Canton-中国最有影响力的葡萄酒展主办方Canton--the most influential wine fair organizer of China
+逸香葡萄酒教育 创始人/CEO 文含 Vincent Wen,Founder/CEO, EaseScent wine and culture company
EaseScent-中国最大的葡萄酒教育机构,十年间培养的十多万名葡萄酒学员和讲师 The biggest wine education in China. EaseScent has been cultivating hundreds of thousands of wine professionals for the past decade.
+挖酒网 CEO 李猛 Alex Li,Founder/CEO,中国最大的葡萄酒B2B供应商之一 biggest Chinse B2B wine supplier
+酒仙网高级合伙人,首席侍酒师 路彦坤 YANN ,Senior Partner,Premier Sommelier,中国著名酒水电商运营商(股票代码:833919) --Famous Drinks Vertical E-Commerce Operator in China (Stock Number: 833919 )
+北京博睿铭泰国际贸易有限公司 总经理 王克武 Kewu Wang,CEO,Beijing Brilliant international trading
博睿铭泰-专注于意大利葡萄酒贸易的知名进口商 Beijing Brilliant--Well-known wine importer focusing on Italian
+上海华饮国际贸易有限公司 市场总监 沈磊 Ray Shen,Marketing Director,SinoDrink
每位嘉宾先做3-5分钟发言,30分钟讨论时间,10分钟答疑时间。Each guests is supposed to speak 3-5 minutes respectively surrounding the topic above, then an open discussion of 30minutse following, with a 10 minutes QA session as the end.
由于是商业论坛,本次活动仅对从事葡萄酒运营的专业人士开放,现场观众限额100位,进口商、经销商、渠道商的管理层优先。Considering it’s a commercial forum, the event will open only to professionals devoted in wine operations. There will be 100 seats limitation with priorities to managements of importers, distributors and channels.
***报名方式Registration methods
网上报名web registration链接:
意酒网会有专人负责报名审核,审核通过后会电话+短信+邮件与您确认。由于活动在意大利驻华大使馆举行,报名人士需提交个人身份证真实姓名和身份证号码,或者姓名和护照号码才能进入大使馆。Dedicated staffs of would be responsible for verifying the registrations. A verified registration would be confirmed with the applicant by telephone +text message +email.