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2016-02-22 13:28:12来源: NihaoItaly



意大利最宜居城市在哪里?是古色古香的罗马?时尚之都米兰?还是极具风情的都灵?尽管这些名城总是在许多媒体的榜单上占据榜首,但却并不见得是意国最宜居的城市。在2015年底,意大利著名商业报纸Il Sole 24 Ore曾展开城市生活调查;调查结果显示,根据经济水平、环境因素以及休闲活动等综合指标,意大利北部城市波尔扎诺是该国最适宜居住的城市,而这已非波尔扎诺首次获此殊荣。

Where is the best place in Italy to live? Is it Milan or Rome? Or Turin, “the place to visit” in the world? Although those cities are always selected by media as top choices for tourists, they may not be the best place to live in Italy. According to rankings by Il Sole 24 Ore, an Italian famous financial newspaper, Bolzano is the answer, based on criteria including the strength of the economy, environmental factors and leisure activities.



As the largest city in South Tyrol, Bolzano lies near the border between Italy and Austria, and 73.80% of the city's inhabitants spoke Italian, 25.52% German and 0.68% Ladin as their first language. So why Bolzano is picked as the best one, surpassing the world well-known cities, such as Milan and Turin? 


环境宜人/An Alpine Town




Located next to the beautiful Alp Arc, Bolzano is a famous destination for tourism. By taking the Cable cars, visitors can have great view of Alps.   


小镇风情/ A Small Town



在Il Sole 24 Ore的排行榜中,除了米兰等少数几座城市之外,几乎所有排名前列城市都是小镇或者小城。这些城市通常都拥有着较好的福利,尤其是在GDP和养老金方面更是如此。此外类似波尔扎诺这样的城市在基础服务和娱乐活动方面更有着独特的优势,与此同时波尔扎诺还具备了大城市治安良好、环境多样等优点。

Most of the top-ranked locations are small or medium-sized towns and cities, making Milan’s rise up the league table a surprise. It scored well for welfare – particularly due to good pensions and GDP – as well as services and recreation opportunities, though like most big cities it performed less well in the categories of environment and security.



异国情调/ Atmosphere of Exoticism




Its medieval city centre, Gothic and Romanesque churches and bilingual signage give it the flavour of a city at the crossroads of Italian and Austrian cultures. This and its natural and cultural attractions make it a popular tourist destination.


文化特色/ Special Culture




As one of best places to live and visit, Bolzano has a lot of cultural attractions. Hereunder is the well-known ones.


瓦尔特广场/Walther Square



South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology, which has the mummy of Ötzi the Iceman


哥特式教堂/Gothic Cathedral

波尔扎诺另一座著名教堂:Old Parish Church of Gries

一些教堂中的壁画/Some paintings in the Church or Cathedral


Maretsch Castle, one of the famous castles in Bolzano

胜利纪念碑/ Bolzano Victory Monument


Messner Mountain Museum of Reinhold Messner

相关热词搜索:意大利 都灵 米兰 波尔扎诺 旅游