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《BIBENDA》中文版创刊2周年庆典 BIBENDA Anniversary Charity Night

2016-11-07 13:38:51来源:意酒网
摘要: 来自意大利侍酒师基金会官方杂志《BIBENDA》中文版-《BIBENDA意味美酒》庆祝在华创刊2周年!旨在将意大利的酒、食文化传播至全中国,第一期的《BIBENDA意味美酒》于2014年10月出版, 今年11月15日晚一齐参加我们的慈善义卖,用爱心与行动为意大利灾区人民献上最坚定的支持。
ABSTRACT: The Chinese version of the Italian magazine “Bibenda” is celebrating its 2nd anniversary! aiming at spreading Italian wine and food culture all over China, the first issue of “BIBENDA” was published in China for the first time in October 2014 and, on November 15th we’re going to celebrate with a Charity Night.



地点: 北京意大利签证中心


5:30 PM -9:00 PM 15 November 2016

F1 Italian Visa Application Center Chaoyang District Beijing


来自意大利侍酒师基金会官方杂志《BIBENDA》中文版-《BIBENDA意味美酒》庆祝在华创刊2周年!旨在将意大利的酒、食文化传播至全中国,第一期的《BIBENDA意味美酒》于2014年10月出版, 今年11月15日晚一齐参加我们的慈善义卖,用爱心与行动为意大利灾区人民献上最坚定的支持。

The Chinese version of the Italian magazine “Bibenda” is celebrating its 2nd anniversary! aiming at spreading Italian wine and food culture all over China, the first issue of “BIBENDA” was published in China for the first time in October 2014 and, on November 15th we’re going to celebrate with a Charity Night.


今年8月, 一场意大利中部的强烈地震打破了罗马居民睡梦之中的平静。地震强度高达6.2级,靠近震中的阿马特里切(Amatrice)小镇更是遭到严重破坏, 当地人民的生活陷入了重重困难之中。作为国际大家庭的一员,居住在世界各地的中国人民纷纷向灾难过后的意大利伸出了援手。CruItaly 携手《BIBENDA 意味美酒》杂志一同加入了由意大利驻华使馆、意大利商会发起的集资助援项目。

With the noble idea to help Italian populations affected by a terrible earthquake last August, CruItaly and BIBENDA are joining the “A Future for Amatrice” project promoted by the Embassy of Italy to the PRC and the China – Italy Chamber of Commerce.


这个11月15号,《BIBENDA意味美酒》中方总编辑方思来先生将为我们带来最新一期的《BIBENDA意味美酒》; 随后,中国意大利商会主席Sergio Bertasi先生介绍商会组织的食品&饮料工作组及中意旅行俱乐部;最后,Anselmo Guerrieri Gonzaga 意大利胜利侯爵、意大利胜利庄园庄主以及福地集团主席Antonio Capaldo为这次慈善义卖分别带来了旗下收藏的佳酿。

During this special event, Fausto Tatarella (president of the magazine, Chinese edition) will present the new issue. Moreover, Sergio Bertasi, the Chairman of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce will introduce the F&B Working Group and Italy-China Travel Club. Finally, the two special guests Anselmo Guerrieri Gonzaga (marquise and owner of “Tenuta San Leonardo”) and Antonio Capaldo (owner of “Feudi di San Gregorio”) will place a special selling of their greatest wines to support the charity project.


当晚, Capaldo主席与A.G. Gonzaga侯爵为你揭开舌尖上的秘密,就让那些来自坎帕尼亚大区及特伦蒂诺大区的美酒带您进入味觉的奇妙旅程。

You’ll also have the chance to be guided by Mr Capaldo and Mr. Guerrieri Gonzaga through a sensory travel sipping some noble wines from Trentino and Campania Regions. 


相关热词搜索:周年庆典 中文版 《BIBENDA》