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危机还是机遇 市场变局中意大利酒往何处去?

2018-11-19 09:20:50作者:Jeff Gong来源:意酒网
摘要: 2018年的中国进口葡萄酒市场可谓波澜起伏,暗潮涌动。经历了第一季度的进口量额双升,中国葡萄酒进口量第二和第三季度均呈现下跌趋势。除了中美贸易战带来的经济不确定性因素外,中国葡萄酒市场格局转换也是导致葡萄酒进口量下跌主要因素。意酒网2018意大利葡萄酒年度峰会将于2018年11月28日下午14:00,在意大利驻华大使馆文化礼堂举行。届时意酒网将分享2018年意大利葡萄酒市场中的洞见与经验。
ABSTRACT: WineITA.com 2018 Annual Summit of Italian Wine would be held at 2pm of November 28th, in the Culture Institution of Italy Embassy in Beijing.WineITA.com and the guest speakers would share their insights and experiences of under-changing Chinese wine market 2018 without any reservation.


      Year 2018, there are both obvious turbulences and invisible fluctuations in China imported wine market.

       After the increasing of both importing volume and value in the first quarter, imported wine fell in the second and third quarter. Besides the uncertainties brought by Trading War between China and US, the changes of market situation and structure are main factors causing the decline.



        Imported volume grew in previous years partially because that China local wine strength weakened. Additionally, wine consumption demands have been enhanced. Facing the under-mature wine market, consumers and selling networks, fake and low quality wine swooped in. They filled and occupied the market taking advantages of info-asymmetry and windfall profits. With the expansion of wine market, low quality wine’s market share was also expanded. Harsh consumption experiences are built up as a result, without a steady consumers system. A crowding-out effect to wine consumers is forged.

       From June to September 2018, the imported volume slide remarkably, meanwhile imported value just fell slightly. Conclusions could be made that the declining part is mainly those low quality and low price wine that saturated the market before. Their decline is benign for a healthy development of the market。 

       With the continuous maturation of wine educational system, uninterrupted growing of  wine professionals group, and the emerging of local boutique wineries, Chinese wine market would eventually head for a road of positive growing.

       Facing the uncertainties of economy trends and changes of market, how would Italian wine operators perform? Should we watch and wait, or should we positively arrange the resources to grasp the opportunity of market changes? Would it be a crisis or a chance?

       What are the issues and pain points of Italian wine in Chinese market? What would be the solutions and strategies? How would Italian wine producers approach properly Chinese market and win? How would the importers deal with the challenges from competitors?

      WineITA.com 2018 Annual Summit of Italian Wine would be held at 2pm of November 28th, in the Culture Institution of Italy Embassy in Beijing.

      WineITA.com and the guest speakers would share their insights and experiences of 2018 without any reservation.





会议日程 Programs of the Summit
14:00 签到,自由交流,现场品鉴(十余家进口商上百款意大利葡萄酒供品鉴)
Registration, networking & tasting (there will be nearly 100 Italian wines from over 10 importers)

14:30 会议开始,主持人Rebecca Wang(意酒网执行主编)致开幕词,介绍与会嘉宾
Beginning of the Summit. Rebecca Wang introduce the guests and theme of year.

I. 开幕致辞 Opening speech
14:35 意大利使馆驻华大使 谢国谊阁下(待定)
Ettore Francesco Sequi, Ambassador of Italy to P.R.China (TBC)

II. 主题演讲Key note speeches

14:45 主题演讲Key note speeches

意大利贸促会中国地区总协调官 司凯培先生

Amedeo Scarpa, Chief Coordinator of ITA-ICE Beijing Office 

14:55主题演讲Key note speeches
意酒网主编、意酒文化促进会秘书长 Jeff Gong
Jeff Gong, Editor in Chief of WineITA.com, Chief Secretary of Italian Wine Culture Association

15:10主题演讲Key note speeches

意酒文化促进会执行会长 王晖、王亚林
Luigi Wang &Yalin Wang ,Executive President of Italian Wine Culture Association

15:20 III. 年度奖项颁发Annual Awards (proposed)
*2018年度中国市场最具成长性意大利酒庄Best Growing Italian Winery in China
*2018年度最佳意大利产区推广项目Best Italian Appellation Promotion Project
*2018年度优秀意大利葡萄酒进口商Annual Excellent Importer
*2018年度优秀意大利人进口商Excellent Italian Importer
*2018年度最佳中国葡萄酒展会运营商Best Exhibition Organizer
*2019年度最具潜力意大利葡萄酒产区 Most Potential Italian Wine Appellation

15:35 IV. 意酒文化促进会新会员授牌仪式 Issuance the medal to new members of Association

15:40 V. 论坛一 进口商及专业人士对话 Conversation among importers and professionals
主持人Moderator:意酒网主编 Jeff Gong
对话嘉宾Guest Speakers:
-上海华饮贸易有限公司总经理  刘强 先生
Shanghai Sinodrink, GM, Mr. Edward Liu
-北京挖玖电子商务有限公司CEO/创始人 李猛先生
CEO&Founder of Beijing Wajiu E-Commerce Co., Ltd.,Mr. Alex Li
-中粮名庄荟国际酒业有限公司采销中心&互联网营销中心副总经理 鲍寒鹰 女士

Deputy GM of Procurement Center/Deputy GM of E-commerce business center COFC W&W Intrnational Co., L.td, Ms.Aline Bao

-威赛帝斯(北京)网络科技有限公司总经理 杨健 先生
GM of V&C Network Technology Co., Ltd., Mr.Chuck Yang
-科通展览集团董事长 贾燕平 女士
Interwine-Canton Universal Fair Group Ltd., Chairman of Board, Ms. Rita Jia
-忆麦国际贸易(北京)有限公司总经理 吴昊 先生
GM of Yimart International Trade(Beijing) Co., Ltd , Mr.Howard Wu

16:30 VI. 论坛二 意大利酒庄对话
Panel: Conversation among Italian producers/importers
主持人Moderator:意酒网执行主编 王蓓 Rebecca Wang
-维罗纳会展中心大中华区总经理 Simone Incontro先生
General manager of Veronafiere , the Representative Office in Greater China, Mr. Simone Incontro
-意大利CAVIT柯威集团中国代表 Davide Orbolato先生
CAVIT Representative in China, Mr. Davide Orboltao
-意大利Sartirano葡萄酒公司亚太区出口经理 杰姆 先生
Asia-Pacific Export Manager of Sartirano Figli Cantine e Vigneti SRL.,Mr.Jerome Tafani
-蒂维妮酒业(深圳)有限公司总经理 伊湾娜 女士
GM of Interprocom Cantine Divine Co., Ltd,Ms.Ivana Mugnano
-意大利其维克葡萄酒合作社集团中国区经理 肖学俊
Manager in China of Terre Cevico Soc. Coop. Agricola,Mr.Xuejun Xiao

17:20-18:00 自由品鉴时间(10余家进口商超百款意大利葡萄酒)
Networking & tasting (there will be nearly 100 Italian wines from over 10 importers)

18:00 活动结束 End 


Dedicated staffs of WineITA.com would be responsible for verifying the registrations. A verified registration would be confirmed with the applicant by telephone +text message +email.

相关热词搜索:意酒网 意大利葡萄酒年度峰会