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葡萄酒知识(Conoscenze del vino)


2016-04-13 13:50:48来源:NihaoItaly


Wine and Dine is one the most important lifestyles for many Italians. The most important thing to Italians, when it comes to wine, is the food you drink it with. That's the way to drink in true Mediterranean style.
Maybe you have already known how cheeses go with wines, or only red meat match red wines, but don’t consider what you already knew as the only way for wine pairing. There are hundreds and thousands of wines, and each one taste different; but you don’t have to know every type, but if you can make a “perfect pairing”, wines will be tasted much better. 
A如何判断食物与酒是否相配? What is a“perfect pairing”?
How to Taste a Perfect Pairing?
1. Take a bite of food and chew.
2. Sip wine with food together in your mouth.
3. Wait for the magic to happen.
A “perfect pairing” occurs when both food and wine components make an even better flavor together in your mouth. Perfect pairings are rare.
B葡萄酒搭配中的平衡问题/5 Tips to Better Wine Pairings
Chefs use the concept of taste balance with food. The same rules apply to wine, but it's also important to not overshadow the wine (especially if it’s expensive!). Keep the following tips in mind when having wine with food.
1.Having salad? your wine should have higher acidity.
2. The wine should match the color of the meat.
3.  带有泥土气息的食物搭配带有土壤清香的葡萄酒。
3、Match Earthy Wines with Earthy Foods.
4.Neutralize High Tannin Wines with Rich Meaty Foods
5.For Dessert, The Wine Should be Sweeter.
Those are some basic rules of wine matching, if you want to know more about wines, please go to our wine tasting event, and the wine specialist will provide more knowledge for you. 

相关热词搜索:葡萄酒 风味 食物