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报名 | 意酒网2022意大利葡萄酒年度峰会将于3月17日在意大利驻华大使馆举行

2023-03-10 14:25:16作者:Jeff Gong来源:意酒网
摘要: 3月17日,意酒网2022意大利葡萄酒年度峰会(第七届)将在意大利驻华大使馆文化中心举行。
ABSTRACT: 2022 WineITA.com Italian Wine Annual Summit 7th Edition will be held on March 17th in Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Pechino.



主题:疫情后的复兴与机遇 意酒在中国市场的新策略与新渠道

Theme: Revival and Opportunity Post-Pandemic-- New Strategies and New Channels for Italian Wine in The Chinese Market

地点:意大利驻华大使馆文化中心Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Pechino

日期Date:3月17日 March 17th 2023






拟定日程Tentative Agenda

13:30 签到,自由交流 Registration & Networking

14:00-14:20 开幕致辞 Opening Speech 意大利驻华大使馆农业专员李大伟  Davide Liberati , Agri-food Attaché  of Italy Embassy in Beijing

14:20-14:30 开幕致辞 Opening Speech 意大利文化中心主任 Federico Antonelli, Director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Beijing

14:30-15:00 WineITA.com意酒网意大利葡萄酒年度峰会2022年度奖项2022Annual Awards

颁发部分2022年度丽意意酒专家一级和二级证书 Delivering part of the certifications of WineITA Italian Wine Courses (Level I and II )

15:00-15:20 主题演讲:  Jeff Gong 意酒网主编      Keynote speech by Jeff Gong, Editor-in-Chief of WineITA.com


15:20-16:20 论坛一:疫情后意酒消费如何复苏并快速提升

Panel Discussion I:  How to Facilitate Italian Wine to  Grow Fast After the Pandemic

主持人Moderator:Rebecca Wang

对话嘉宾Guest speakers:

-- Cassidy Dart  葡萄酒大师Master of Wine

-- Alessandro Mugnano 蒂维妮酒业(深圳)有限公司总经理GM of Interprocom Cantine Divine Co., Ltd,

-- Jerome Tafani 意大利Sartirano Figli 酒庄代表EXPORT MANAGER ASIA PACIFIC of Sartirano Figli Cantine e Vigneti SRL.Brand Ambassador of SANSILVESTRO & COSTA DI BUSSIA wineries 

--Marino D’Antonio 伽达花园餐厅美食总监 Culinary Director of Giada Garden

-- Tommy Wong 北京宝格丽酒店侍酒师Sommelier of Bvlgar Hotel Beijing



16:30-17:30 论坛二:产品与渠道 意酒的竞争力和机会在哪里?

Panel Discussion II:Product and Chanel | Where are the Competitiveness and Opportunities of Italian Wine?

主持人Moderator:Jeff Gong 意酒网主编

对话嘉宾Guest speakers:

--李猛 挖酒集团董事长  Alex Li, Chairman of WAJIU Group

-- 于洪杰 青岛朗维卓越国际贸易有限公司总经理 Andrew Yu, GM and Founder of Qingdao LONG VISION Global International Inc.

--刘京江 意大利宝娜酒庄中国区首席代表、北京意久品牌管理集团有限公司总裁  Liu, Jingjiang, Chief Representative of Bolla in China, President of Beijing YIJIU Brands Management Group Ltd. CO.

-- 杨健 威赛帝斯(北京)网络科技有限公司总经理 Chuck Yang, GM and Founder of V&C Network Technology Co., Ltd.,

--李元泰 PASQUA酒庄中国独资子公司帕斯卡(深圳)酒业有限公司总经理 Li, Yuantai, GM of Pasqua (Shenzhen) Wine Ltd. Co. (wholly owned subsidiary of Italian PASQUA family in China)


17:30-19:30 品鉴及交流酒会Free Tasting& Networking








相关热词搜索:年度峰会 意酒年会