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2016 Interwine酒展亮点提前曝光,让您一次看个够!

2016-10-14 10:52:37来源:意酒网
摘要: 2016年Interwine秋季展即将于11月13日-15日在广交会琶洲展馆C区举行。随着举办日期的临近,Interwine秋季展的受到的关注度越来越高。
ABSTRACT: Interwine Autunno 2016 avrà luogo il 13-15 Novembre nella zona C di Complessa Fiera di Importazione e Esportazione di Cina. Con l'avvicinamento della data, l'attenzione sul Interwine è sempre più alta.











Wines from all over the world gathering in Asian lagest enhibition center

The exhibition will be held in China Import & Export Fair Pazhou Complex, which is the lagest and top-grade

International Exhibition Center with excellent equipments in Asia. The Interwine exhibition hall will be divided into

three parts: national exhibition hall, area of wineries and area of imported commodity. This classification will allow

you to find the wines from your favourite country quickly.





Global dozens of countries to Interwine, more international and grander

During the fair, wineries from different organizations, such as French Chamber of Commerce, Spainish Castilla-La Mancha Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Argentine National Commission for Foreign Investments, Chinese Spanish Chamber of Commerce, AJEPC, Italian National Promotion Center for Wine, and from main wine countries,such as Georgia, South Africa, Israel, Austria,Czech Republic and Slovakia, will come in groups.




       本次展会,观众可以看到来自法国、阿根廷、意大利、西班牙、智利、美国等知名酒庄集体亮相,还有不同国家的精品酒庄,面对中国不断蓬勃发展的葡萄酒市场,酒庄们信心满满可以在此次Interwine 展会上开花收获。

Reputable wineries from main wine producing countries gather in Guangzhou,searching for distributors and agents in China.

In this exhibition, many famous and boutique wineries from different countries will appear. All of them are confident of the booming market in China。





Thousands of domestic importers and various wines are waiting for you。



       在为期三天的展会中,INTERWINE中国侍酒师大赛总决赛,INTERWINE国际葡萄酒及烈酒大赛,ISG国际品酒师培训课程,DSW中国国际葡萄酒盲品挑战赛,葡萄酒皇后评选大赛、味蕾上的佛朗明哥-西班牙产区的风格对比、米其林餐厅的标准侍酒服务、拉曼恰大师班、李志延大师班、Mattnew Stubbs Mw大师班等主题活动琳琅满目,让人应接不暇。

Colorful activities with more than 80 different themes will be held.

During this three-day event, you can attend many exciting activities, such as International Sommelier Competition, the International Wine and Spirits Competition, traning courses of international sommelier and etc.




6.两位重量级Mw倾力加盟Interwine,李志延(全球首位亚裔葡萄酒大师)和Matthew Stubbs Mw将为您正确解读葡萄酒

       李志延Mw于2008年获颁“葡萄酒大师”这一最高荣誉,成为协会历史上第一位亚裔大师。此次,李志延大师将会出任Interwine国际葡萄酒及烈酒大赛评委会主席。此外,Matthew Stubbs Mw将会加盟Interwine大师班讲师行列,将为您正确解读葡萄酒的秘密。

Jeannie Cho Lee MW-The first Ethnically Asian Master of Wine & Matthew Stubbs Mw

Lee received this highest distinction as Master of Wine in 2008, being the first Asian person in the history of the Institute to do so. And this time, she will act as Chairman of the jury of International Sommelier Competition. Besides,Matthew Stubbs Mw will join in Interwine as a lecturer of Master Class,and tell you the secrets of wines.






相关热词搜索:Interwine 酒展 广州