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2015-09-16 11:57:12来源:意酒网
摘要: Antinori Dinner in Shanghai Park Hyatt Hotel Successfully Ended on March 17th

Antinori Dinner in Shanghai Park Hyatt Hotel Successfully Ended on March 17th

  安东尼世家2014年3月17日晚在上海柏悦酒店93F南北阁举办的品鉴晚宴圆满落幕,安东尼世家26代长女阿贝拉.安东尼邀请意大利驻上海总领事Stefano Beltrame先生、副总领事Gabriele de Stefano先生、领事Eugenia Palagi、意大利对外贸易协会官员Guiseppe Russo先生、中国意大利商会经理Antonella Sciarra女士和AZIMU游艇亚太区售后总监Pierpaolo Sapetti先生等嘉宾出席,安东尼世家在中国的合作伙伴浩奈酒业董事陈显金先生先生也出席了晚宴,主宾欢聚一堂,共享安东尼世家旗下美酒带来的美好感受。
  On the evening of March 17th, Antinori Dinner drew the curtain smoothly in Shanghai Park Hyatt Hotel 93F. Albiera Antinori, the oldest daughter of 26th generation of Antinori family, invited guests like Mr. Stefano Beltrame (General Consul of Italy in Shanghai), Mr. Gabriele de Stefano (Depute Consul-General of Italy in Shanghai), Mr. Eugenia Palagi(Consul of Italy in Shanghai), Mr. Guiseppe Russo (officer of Italy Institution for Foreign Trade), Ms. Antonella Scriarra (Manager of China-Italy Chamber of Commerce), and Mr. Pierpaolo Sapetti (AZIMU Yachts Asia Pacific After-sales Director) to attend the dinner. Mr. Chen Xianjin, chairman of Hooney, the partner of Antinori in China market also attended the dinner. Guests and host gathered happily here, enjoying together the wonderful experience of Antinori beautiful wine.  
Albiera Antinori introduced the culture and beautiful wines of Antinori
意大利驻上海总领事Stefano Beltrame赞美安东尼世家对意大利葡萄酒业的贡献
Mr. Stefano Beltrame, General Consul of Italy in Shanghai, sang high praise for Antinori’s contribution to Italy wine.
Part of the guests attending the Antinori Dinner on March 17th in Shanghai Park Haytt 
Wines tasted on this dinner: Solaia, Pian delle Vigne-Brunello di Montalcino, Villa Antinori Red and Villa Antinori White

相关热词搜索:安东尼世家 品鉴晚宴 上海