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2016-04-11 13:30:42来源: NihaoItaly






Besides olive oil, tomatoes may be the most iconic ingredient in Italian Cuisine. From roasted tomatoes to red sauces, it seems that only in some Italian seafood dishes people cannot see tomatoes. As for food, Italians may have the greatest passion, who had spent hundreds years in tomato usage in meals. 



The tomato most likely originated in the Andes Mountains of Peru. Hundreds years ago, there was no tomato in Europe, until it was first "discovered" by the Spanish Conquistadors and then came with Columbus and other explorers introducing the tomato to Europe. However, there was about 200 years of skepticism before the tomato gained acceptance there--again, it was thought one touch of a tomato on the lips would kill you and rumor said it was an aphrodisiac. Fortunately, people realized what tomatoes really are at last.


由于番茄也有黄色的品种,当时的意大利人将其称之为“pomo d'oro”,即金苹果的意思。意大利宜人的气候给予了番茄生长的土壤,番茄也慢慢开始在意大利占据了自己的土地。根据相关记载,早在1692年时,那不勒斯就已经有与番茄相关的食谱。

At that time, tomato was called pomo d'oro (golden apple) in Italian, because Tomatoes do come in a wide variety of colors, including golden yellow. In Italy, the tomato more than likely prospered because of its near-tropical climate. According to related records, tomatoes were used as ingredients in a cookbook from Naples, as far back as 1692.



It is actually Spain, who led the way, "teaching" Italians to fry tomatoes up with eggplant, squash and onions, and used the dish as a condiment on bread and with meats. The cuisine of Southern Italian peasants, who often lacked meats and other proteins on a regular basis, developed into a mostly vegetarian diet in which tomatoes and olive oil, spices and vegetables were eaten with bread, rice or polenta.



By the late 1700s, the peasants of Naples began to put tomatoes on top of their flat breads, creating something very close to the modern pizza. It gained popularity, especially with the elite of Europe. In the same time period we find the first recorded evidence of tomatoes used in sauces and preserved condiments and pastes. In 1889, after Italy became one nation, Queen Margherita was bored with the same old French cuisine, called for the most famous pizza-maker in Naples to command him to make pizza for her. That is how “Pizza Margherita” is created.



Symphonized with tomatoes, the Italian cuisine has become one of the most famous in the world.  That's how tomato became part of Italian Culture.


相关热词搜索:番茄 意大利 美食