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2016-05-26 15:33:35来源: NihaoItaly


Italians love pizza, like real, tasty, healthy pizza. You should already know that.But, what if we told you that pizza is not the same all over Italy? That every region and every city has its own way to cook dough and put mozzarella on it?


Here’s a guide to the different kinds of pizza. So that, from now on, you’ll not only know that Italians love pizza but you’ll also understand which version they truly can’t live without.



Pizza’s homeland: Naples





There are several controversies about where pizza was born, but we trust the number one theory that sees Naples as its birthplace. Especially because it has been recognized by the European Union as Guaranteed Traditional Speciality. 

What makes it different? Not the dough, which is the same as every other region’s: flour, water, salt and yeast. The difference lays in the way the dough is stretched out: thinner on the inside and thicker on the outside, thus making the crust way tastier than the usual.

If you’re in Naples, we suggest you to have a pizza with mozzarella di Bufala, buffalo-milk mozzarella. Just a warning, though: you’ll never want to eat something else for your entire life!


Flatbread: the way Rome cooks its pizza



It dates back to the Roman Empire, to the time when ancient locals used to present it to the Gods as an offer. It was known as offa and it is nothing but a thin pizza, similar to flatbread: it tasted so good that it pleased the Gods too. And it still does. The dough is made with tougher wheat and more water, so that it can be stretched out and not loses its chewiness. The toppings are different according to the season the pizza is cooked: the capricciosa, for instance, is one of our favourites and comes with artichokes, ham and mushrooms.


Milan, the city of design, and its version of pizza

一位名叫Giuseppina Luini女士携家人于1949年从普利亚区搬迁到米兰,接手了一家烘培店。她一生的努力就是引入panzerotto,一款专属于普利亚大区的披萨:只需在烘烤后面团中加入奶酪和番茄汁。经过多年的发展,panzerotto成为了真正的米兰特色,即便它是源自普里亚。作为一块很薄的披萨,panzerotto完全契合意大利严格菜谱的要求,尤其是是烤制而非油炸的烹饪方式更是其成为经典。


Milan, 1949: Mrs. Giuseppina Luini moved from Puglia to Milan with her family and took over a bakery in via S. Radegonda. Her will was to export a product typical of Apulia, the panzerotto, a fried piece of dough filled with cheese and tomato sauce. With the years, the panzerotto has become a true Milanese institution, although coming from Apulia. It’s like a tiny pizza, perfect to fit the models’ strict regime menus, especially if baked and not fried.



Don't forget about focaccia


Until now, we have explored the different types of pizza: what we haven't done is investigating about another version of pizza, the one known as focaccia. The difference lies in the toppings: mozzarella and tomato sauce go with pizzas, other ingredients create the focaccia.Let's have a look at the most peculiar ones:


Focaccia Genovese,可谓是意大利最出名披萨之一了,其口感浓烈,含有橄榄油和盐等调味品,这是意大利利古里亚(意大利大区)人最为骄傲的东西之一。这种披萨在热那亚(意大利城市名)的烘培店随处可见,而且随时可以吃到,甚至可以搭配一杯浓郁的热卡布奇诺即可作为经典早餐。

Focaccia Genovese: it’s probably one of the most famous all around Italy. Thick and seasoned with olive oil and salt, it’s one of the things Liguria’s locals are most pride of. You’ll find it in any bakery of Genova and you can eat it whenever you want: some even like it at breakfast, with a steamy hot cappuccino.


Recco Focaccia:另一个让利古里亚人为之骄傲的瑰宝,在Recco这座坐落于海边的城市,人们经常制作这种披萨。这种披萨的独特之处在于面团里的填充材料,面团里的多层奶酪让其风味独特。

Recco Focaccia: another pride of the Ligurian region, it is usually cooked in Recco, a wonderful, tiny city on the coast. Its specialty lies on the filling, which is basically made with tasty layers of cheese in between the layers of dough.


Bari Focaccia: it’s a variation of Apulia’s bread, made with durum wheat flour and tons of extra virgin olive oil. It usually comes with tomatoes and olives on top.

Bari Focaccia:它是普里亚大区面包的另一种制作形式,由硬质小麦磨制而成的面粉和足量的原生橄榄油和制而成的面团制作的,一般情况下,这种披萨的表面都会有番茄酱和橄榄油。



The Sfincione: it’s Sicily’s version of something in between pizza and focaccia, typical of the city of Palermo. It’s considered a street food, so you can buy it in bakeries and eat it while walking on the streets. You’ll particularly appreciate its salty flavour if walking near the Sicilian amazing sea coast!



These are some famous Italian pizzas, but there are always more to explore in this Kingdom of food. Maybe in a small town there, delicious pizzas are still awaiting to be discovered. 



相关热词搜索:披萨 美食 意大利