L'unico portale cinese specializzato sul vino Italiano
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2016-07-11 14:05:25来源: NihaoItaly


You may be aware of this weird and popular creature (crayfish, or kind of lobster), which Chinese people love to eat. Don't like it? We will introduce you to some fine dishes in Italian restaurants. Let's just try some real seafood.
英文名/Name: Marinated San Remo Shrimps with Caviar and Scallions:
中文注释/Notes in Chinese: 卤蛋、基围虾、鱼子酱拌青葱
英文名/Name: Octopus and Potato Salad
中文注释/Notes in Chinese: 章鱼土豆沙拉
英文名/Name: Fried Eel
中文注释/Notes in Chinese: 香煎馒鱼
英文名/Name: Crab Salad
中文注释/Notes in Chinese: 蟹粉沙拉
英文名/Name: Spaghetti with Shrimp
中文注释/Notes in Chinese: 鲜虾意面
英文名/Name: Macaroni with clams and artichokes
中文注释/Notes in Chinese: 洋蓟蛤蜊通心粉
英文名/Name: Seafood and Shellfish Stew with Squid Ink Pasta
中文注释/Notes in Chinese: 海鲜扇贝清炖墨鱼汁意面
英文名/Name: Roasted Red Mullet Fillet
中文注释/Notes in Chinese: 炭烤红鲻鱼头
英文名/Name: Pan-friend Squid with Chilled Beans
中文注释/Notes in Chinese: 蚕豆煎鱿鱼
英文名/Name: Monkfish with Prosciutto and Artichokes
中文注释/Notes in Chinese: 扁鲨肉意式火腿拌洋蓟
如果你的味蕾在不停跳动,向你抗议,那么赶快进入www.nihaoitaly.com 选择一家真正的意大利餐厅体会夏日美味吧!哦,千万不要错过“你好意大利俱乐部”意厨课程正在为你筹备的一场夏日美食烹饪体验哦!
Attempted? Every chef has his own secret. If you like Italian dishes, just search for your favourite Italian restaurant in Shanghai at www.nihaoitaly.com. A feast of Italian summer food is awaiting!

相关热词搜索:意大利 美食